Today was easter at the Martz's, we had so much fun! The kids are getting so big, most of them are driving know, where has the time gone. Everyone looks good and everyone seems happy! The dinner was amazing, so yummy!Could you seriously believe the weather? We sat outside all afternoon and evening, we all got sunshine on our faces, we look so much more healthy with a nice glow sprinkled over our smiles. I took my one niece out to drive my standard car. She did fantastic, honestly she was so nervous and I thought for sure she would have stalled the car more than she did. It was her first time ever driving a standard, I was so impressed she caught on really quick, hopefully she keeps at it I so prefer driving standard...you seem to have more control over the car. The Martz's are such a big family, when I was younger I found that I was so intimdated by them..i didn't enjoy the family functions as much as I do now. It just seems so much more relaxing..there is no longer 12 young toddlers running around taking up time, energy and attention. Today things are so different, the kids are pretty much all at legal drinking age, most of them are driving and they all seem to have a great relationship with one another..considering they are all cousins. Unfortunately for Kailey..she is the baby and has trouble relating to them. The ones who still attend highschool at Southwood are pretty happy to have Kailey joining them next year, she is going to have alot of fun..she has lots of cousins there as well as her brother. Some of my neices and nephews bring boyfriends and girlfriends to these family functions..I feel sorry for the poor bastard that Kailey brings to dinner at the Martz's, considering all her uncles and male cousins...she is the baby!!
Well Paul and I stayed pretty late, had lots of laughs, drinks and food. We are know just chilling and watching the Hangover..so classic. Such a funny movie..I laugh everytime I watch it, best movie line ever..."Paging Dr. Faggot"...hilarious!
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