Today I got a phone call from a staff member at MacMaster Hospital, someone who I have known for years. We chatted for some time just to get caught up on life and Braden's progress as well as to discuss our visit coming up on Wednesday. It was nice to hear from her, but she brought up someone in the conversation that got me thinking today. She had asked about a person who was once a pretty big part of our lives. She just assumed that he still was and she was asking some questions about his role with Braden, basically if there was still is a relationship? It really made me think, how do I answer her? Mostly because I had no idea what to say.
Have you ever had anyone in your life who you think is someone special but then they turn out to be someone you start to realize you didn't really ever know?
We were sure this person was someone great! Braden was so fantastically in awe of this person, especially at a difficult time in his life, he formed a wonderful friendship. At least that is what we thought!! Its a hard life lesson, one that blindsided even me, it is also something very difficult to put into words.
When she started asking me these questions...I honestly could only answer, "I don't think we ever really knew him"?? I told her that we were very disappointed and that we felt misled and lied too, Braden had mourned the loss of that friendship and well so did I.
I had hoped at one time we could have discussed our differences, like most adults do..however, given his undetectable ignorant personality trait..we never had the opportunity to do so, again something I would never had guessed would come from him.
It really made me think about it today, unfortunately it sparked a few angry brain cells...I felt sad too, but that lasted a short time. The feeling of disappointment over powered the frown on my face, and I resumed to the usual feeling of "how could you do that to Braden, you dirty B*****d?? How could you just leave a child who idolized you and just loved the time you spent together. Thankfully Braden has grown up, and now finds humour in the whole situation. He seems completely fine, and when ever it is discussed he just laughs and reminds me "its his loss".
I still believe today that this individual is a sad soul, in a life of unhappiness...the only reason why I feel this way is because if he was happy, there would be no reason to not reach out to that old frined who use to spend many hours with laughing, joking and watching endless hours of Friends episodes while rehabilitating the young man who eagerly waited for his release from therapy. Anyways, it's one of those things in life I think everyone learns from at one time or another...how well do you really know someone? Its amazing how you can spend years with a person or a friend and then find out things about them you would never have believed! Always be true to yourself, find who you are in life and be proud of that person, Be You!
I know what that relationship meant to all of you! Its to bad that he was as ignorant as he was, but its his loss like Braden said! Makes you really think about who you bring into your house! To bad really, but he made his choice and I think you all all better off with him gone! Just sad he would do it to a child who he knew adored him and feel nothing when he left! But only a piece of garbage can turn his back on a child! I am glad you all have moved on! Honesty is the best gift anyone can do!
ReplyDeleteVery well said Candace!! Exactly what I was thinking, just couldn't say it myself!! XOXOX