Apperently I need to apologize to my son...He took great offence to the previous post regarding him not getting his homework done. Braden "I am sorry", it was not written or posted to hurt your feelings..the things that were said are my feelings and I am a bit frustrated right now! I have a right to my feelings, and I hope that you see my point and do what you have to do! With that said, if my words were too harsh then I need to rephrase my choices and let my blog readers know that Braden is a very hard worker, he is definately taking his future seriously and is not in anyway really..a slacker! However, he knows...what I am upset about, and he better make the right choice over the weekend, love you Braden..good luck at hockey this weekend. I'll be thinking about you during your playoffs! xox
Ok, so thats said and done!!
I am just getting ready for our weekend away, shopping, shopping and more shopping! Everything is in order and I am packed and just waiting for the others.
Today was a great day, Paul and I have gone to the gym 3 mornings this week so we decided to take this morning off and go for breakfast instead.

We went to a little diner in Preston, most people go to 50's or other known places for breakfast but Paul and I have a history in this little dingy cafe. It is a bit slummy..kinda diry and greasey, but the food is good and we get a chuckle out of the others sitting around us in their booths, sipping coffee and dipping their toast in the runny egg yolk. This morning was funny, as usual there was a couple sitting next to us (older couple, bit rough around the edges..looked like they had been up drinking all night)but I was secretly listening to their conversation, it was entertaining. She was expressing her feelings about her boyfriends lack of interest in their relationship, how he is hard to read, doesn't have emotions and is hard to talk too..haha, I felt like saying welcome to marriage! Joking...
They continued to discuss the situation, he was blaming the fact that he is the youngest child in his family..blah, blah, blah..well I lost interest eventually and turned my attention to Paul once again, LOL, he was trying to figure out by my lip synching what they were saying. Unfortunately do to our laughing and giggling, I missed it!! Something big went down right there infront of us, and I missed it!
She abruptly rose from the booth, whipped her coat off the bench, called him a name, grabbed her purse and ran out the door. I didn't see that coming, I casually, calmly looked over at the poor insulted man sitting there, (with a smile on his face)he got up, yelled out to her "sweetheart", and decided to follow pursuit. He went after her..its too bad they didn't eat first. It was funny, actually the bizarre thing about it, was both Paul and I said when we walked in and after observing that couple..said that this was going to be a "break-up breakfast". We called that one!
After breakfast we decided to go look at patio stones for the area by the pool that I want to are the two samples that I need to choose from...

Its hard to tell the difference, there really isn't much of one. But the bottom picture..those stones have a bit of colour to them..I think I like those ones..we will just have to wait and see!

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