Here's my girl in all her glory!! She is number 6, and in the bottom right she is standing beside her forward partner Amanda..these girls played amazing together, their chemistry on the ice was outstanding! Kailey will miss her this coming year..i know she will secretly wait for Amanda in the next coming years! Hopefully one day they will be partners again!! These pictures are a collage of the past weekend in Ottawa!
I just have to share with you all the events of this past weekend! It started out on Wednesday afternoon when Michelle and Carrigan picked us up, we were so excited. The music was on, the comfy clothes were on, nothing more needed!! Our drive of course included the many laughs we had and of course getting lost briefly with one cut off too early. Besides that mishap I felt good, things were going great..awesome start to the weekend! That was untill Kailey had a question, which needed to be answered ASAP..I knew that I was in trouble when Kailey asked me what "dry humping" was?? I nearly died, thank god I was NOT driving..MIchelle naturally had the biggest laugh so I kindly asked her to expain it to Kailey..since it was so funny! Michelle obliged, and began to explain how you keep your clothes on and..well..you know!! So Kailey asks is it kind of like "thrusting" (again I almost died, forgetting that Kailey is going into grade 9) and Michelle oh so eliquently agreed. Completely satisfied with the explaination Kailey shifted back into her seat, content with the new knowledge she had just learned. From here I knew what this weekend was going to be like!
Thursdays games were not strong and we had no wins, the coach reminded the girls to follow their schedules, keep positive and get ready for the opening ceremonies for the provincial events. The girls suited up, bob sleds, outfits and the torch all in check..parents were so impressed! The theme for the ceremonies was the olympics so our girls decided to be the Canadian bob sled team..they looked wonderful. I can honestly say that they rocked this event, definately the best outfits there!
The opening night was electrifying...the girls paraded proudly, not necessarily due to their year stat's..but because they did their best!! Unfortunately they did not have a successful year in the scoreboard, they had many goals and many were reached..for whatever reason their talent did not show this particulair weekend. Many of the teams that they played, these group of girls have beaten at one time or another..and if they didn't win against a team the score was never a blow out! They are a competative team and more than capable of playing at this level successfully. Something that many who watch and don't seem to realize is that this team lost alot of talent last year..unfortunately the people who left the team felt that dropping to a lower level and beating those teams were more important that pushing themselves to the limits. They didn't believe in challenging themselves, in progressing, in wanting to play because they love the game..they only wanted to play in hopes of winning. Yes of course that is the goal at the end of a game..to win! Especially when you are an athlete..but more importantly as an athelet you must have those years to grow, to assert themselves to play at a harder level to learn and push your own inner desires to limits you never knew you had. This team stuggled this year being pulled together with only 5 core girls who have played together for at least 3 years, and the rest of the girls were pulled from 5 different teams at 3 different levels...those were obstacles in themselves, to overcome that this year alone is a triumph!!
This year we shared a hotel with the Provincial petite team, those girls are 10 and 11 years old..some maybe 9 years. Anyways this team is having a very successful year and did end up winning the gold at the Provincials..so congratualtions to them!! Way to go Turbo's! These young girls had the chance to hang out a bit with the older girls..so they thought that was pretty cool. This one evening the parents were down in the lobby having some drinks, watching the olympics and just unwinding from the days events. All of a sudden 2 of the younger girls come running downstairs to excitingly tell their parents that they are playing the best game EVER with the Tween's!! So one of the mom's ask, "well what game?" Her cute little girl replies.."Suck and Blow!!" Enough said!
The mom immediately thinks she has heard wrong and asks her daughter to repeat herself..Michelle and I hear the conversation and sense the horror in the mom's voice! So, we had to jump in and explain the game to her and tell her that it's a bit of an intimate game...but its harmless. The purpose of the game is one girl starts out with the hotel key (or credit card)stuck to her mouth while sucking in to cause suction, then the next girl leans into her and tries to remove the card with her mouth while sucking in as hard as she can...while the other girl slighty blows the card to her..so hard to explain, and it sounds so wrong..lol, but its a game of today..what can we do?? The mom then said that learning this game was the highlight of her little girls weekend and that winning the gold medal was a close second to that game!! LOL..
There were many more moments like this with the parents, some table dancing, some 80's music game..name that tune? There was drinking, laughing, sexual enuendo's..but believe me..there was NO suck and blow!! We had a great time, I am going to miss this group..these girls are fiercly bonded with love, respect and friendships that will last forever, and no gold medal is worth that!!
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