Today I was looking through some pictures and came across these very old ones of Paul and I. I remember this day clearly, it was August 20th, 1990 and we were celebrating Paul's 24th birthday. We had already been together for a whole year and we were just starting to think about a future together. I was starting college for an Early childhood Program at Conestoga College and he was just finishing up his education as a Mechanical Engineer. It was so exciting, we could see our future together so clearly and it was becoming so evident that we would make this life together regardless of the obstacles, we as a young couple would face. I must admit we were so happy, so excited, so young and so inexperienced. Back then, the thing to do was to move out, get married, have babies and struggle through life...just to make ends meet. Well, we had that mastered!!
I do believe however, at the time this picture was taken, we were both still living at home. Every Sunday, we would be at my house for Sunday dinners...some traditions never die. Unfortunately that meant Paul would be heading home for another long week of school and work. I hated it, I loved our weekends together and being away from him was aweful...I couldn't wait to move in together! Even though we were young, we always had goals, hopes and dreams...I knew one thing for sure...we wanted to be together! At least that's what I wanted..LOL, if you ask Paul..he'd probably laugh and say "YEP, I couldn't wait to be with you!!" Sarcastically of course..
Life was so easy back then, we shouldn't have tried to grow up so quickly...
You know, when I was looking through these albums I could not believe that for most of my life already Paul has been a big part of it. It is nice to have that one person who is a constant part of my history, he is in all of my family pictures....
Its kinda cool, to look back and remember the days when all we had for dinner was Kraft dinner and hot dogs, or we had $50.00 for a week to entertain ourselves, or even the tiny apartment that we loved so much just because it was ours! Its a great feeling to have only had those experiences with him, I just look at these pictures and think we have had so many years together, so many pictures standing with one another. In my life I am thankful to have this consistancy. I am happy to have him beside me in my pictures, and I am fortunate that he still stands with me.

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