As you know, whoever reads these blogs will remember me talking about Braden's interview at ROger's cable TV. He was trying to get a co-op placement there and get the opportunity to work in the editing department. Well, the interview went great..Braden was thrilled, they said that his resume was impressive and by meeting him and having the chance to talk with him they found him inspiring!! Ya think??
We all thought he had the job, I did kind of have a feeling that something wasn't right because during the interview Braden said they asked him alot of questions about his wheelchair and the accessibilty in the building. Braden assured them that he would be fine and it wasn't going to be an issue. It still made me nervous for him, Paul and I have had way to much experience dealing with accessibility issues and at times even discrimination..something didn't feel right! On Friday the teacher told Braden that unfortunately he didn't get the job.. they had said that they were worried about his safety because the whole department was being revamped or reorganized and this included new staff. Bradens teacher felt terrible, she assured him that it wasn't his lack of ability or knowledge but they simply said something about it being a safety issue and they wouldn't have someone available for him to shadow. With all the excuses we have heard of the years...that one was a common one, the old "safety" argument. We are not new to this one!! Be prepared Rogers becasue that just screams discrimination..what a better way to not have to deal with the added issues Braden would bring to the job. We have fought this one once and were prepared to fight it again. A few years back when Braden was going to be starting at St. Andrew's the school board just didn't want to accomadate him. They would have to put a lift in the school and add a ramp..guess what?? That would cost money...and god for bid the school board spend a few dollars for a child to attend school with all the friends he has know for 6 years..his whole support system ripped away from him..all because he couldn't walk up a flight of stairs! We fought, and fought that school board untill it affected our whole world, including our marriage. We had a very unhappy child, a child who hit a deep depression, was already struggling to fit in, trying to learn how to keep up with all his buddies who were becoming hockey players, athletes and had new found independence about them. The school board didn't care, they didn't care that our world was falling apart, we were no longer functioning as a family, we were no longer functioning as a united front. It was destroying us!
Finally after many shed tears, late sleepless nights and agonizing conversations with a child who only wanted to be with his friends..we met a man who changed everything! Prayers once again...answered!! He was a writer here in Cambridge who did stories for people with disabilites, bringing attention to human rights issue's. He found us, and called one afternoon and asked if he could write a story to Kitchener Record, we couldn't have said YES quick enough. He had warned us that it might get nasty..the school board doesn't like to be put in these positions..certainly wasn't going to look good for them! This wonderful man, phoned the board, phoned the part of the government who deals with human rights, he talked with physically challenged friends who live if Toronto, he called the fire department. You see, the reason why he called the fire dept was because the school board had told us that the fire dept said Braden could not go to St. Andrew's.They felt that he would be a "saftey hazard". So you can see how, Rogers telling us that Braden would be a "safety hazard" only fueled the fire! I saw kidding, I was furious and ready to kill someone!(not literally) As it turned out, the fire dept never said that to the school, they had was not an issue for him to go there! The day before the article was to be published, we got a phone call from the superintendent of the Waterloo board of education, she simply asked "What can we do for you?" It was one of the best days of my life. Braden did have to attend an "Orthopedic" school for one year while we battled, not only did we battle but his friends did as well, they had petitions and arguments just as strong as ours. It was a lesson in life for all these children that I am sure they will never forget, who would have thought in 2005 we would be fighting a humans right issue? We fought, we argued, we cried, we cheered and then...WE won!! They actually added a ramp, and even a chair lift to the school, the teachers were thrilled. They were so happy to have Braden become part of their Spartan spirit. Braden flourished those few years, he was part of the Athletics club, and he got his friends and support back!
After hearing that from Roger's..I was really upset, as was Paul and Braden. Although I so desperately wanted to start my battle, make some phone calls. I had come to a harsh reality that these problems are starting to become Braden's to fight. It was so difficult to sit back and only hope that we have given Braden all the tools he would need to investigate and challenge the reason's he was given. I could not do it, it is not my fight anymore..he is becoming a man, he needs to learn..unfortunately this is his reality and this is only one of the many that he will be up against.
I went home, back to mom and dad's house just to calm down. My parents agreed with our decision to let Braden deal with hard as it was! To us this was discrimination, they didn't want to accomadate him...they would have been better to just tell him he didn't have enough experience, that would have been easier to accept. Don't pull the old "saftey hazard" card, that won't work for us!!
Braden went back to school that afternoon very prepared, he had a backbone, he had some questions and he had a mission. After questioning again the teacher, he heard things differently. Apparently Rogers Cable wasn't going to be having any co-op student this term because of the changes in the office. We still are a little unclear about the whole statement they made regarding the safety controversy..the important thing though is that Braden feels ok about it. He did feel better after hearing that, and so did we! It still doesn't sound right, and we have to believe that this is the truth. Braden is still upset he was really looking forward to this it turns out the lesson in life for him can't always get what you want! Its a tough lesson...he doesn't take it too lightly! LOL..neither do I!!
Rogers loss is someone else's gain. That is how I see that. He is very talented. Other doors will open. Hang in there bud! Awesome things are coming your way! XO
ReplyDeleteThanks Miss Mott..i will be sure that he reads your comment, its nice to have you always in our corner!! XOX
ReplyDeleteWell Rogers lost an amazing, talented, funny human being! Braden their loss, another door will open and it will be more amazing then this one! You know what you can do, things will work out :) you will see!