Not too sure how the rest of you all feel but tonights hockey game against the USA totally sucked. I certainly believe that we dominated the ice, but unfortunately the USA goalie was alot stronger and saved the game for them. We out shot them, out played them and should have won that game! It's not over yet, we still can bring home a gold, so I am not losing hope just yet! GO CANADA!!!
Tonight my son did a very grown up thing and he spoke to someone who he hasn't spoken to in about 2 years. Boy was I proud of Braden, he spoke his mind and offered his support to this person. Unfortunately the adult on the other end was not as mature as Braden and denied any help, it was too bad...but the other person was legitametly happy to hear from Braden and was shocked to hear his voice and how grown up he sounded! Not much was accomplished but Braden had his chance to speak and came away feeling unfortunately unjustified, but still surprisingly satisfied for his own effort! Way to go Braden, you continue to surprise us with your wise old soul and the ability to speak in any situation. Your confidence is growing, and we are very proud of you!!
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