Today I am happily spending my special day with a bunch of girls who I dearly love! I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to be with tonight!! We are unfortunately out of the tournament, but pleased to be sitting here with some drinks and chinese food! We finally get to stay up late, eat crappy food and have some alchohol beverages, here's to me..and to the turbo's!! I still am having trouble uploading pics from the opening ceremonies, but tomorrow I will be home and I will put lots up! Welcome home mommy, I miss you very much and I will see you soon..dinner this week!! Hi Dad, hope you had a good week without Mom..i know you were busy so that passes the time! Hey Paul...I miss you so much!! Wish you were here with me to celebrate my birthday, we'll make up for that soon!!
Braden (PunK) I expect something great for my birthday..diamonds or something like that is good!! Love ya bud, see you tomorrow!
I am off for my own celebration, good night family!! xoxox
nice picture right cozy, to the birthday girl, I fooled you with my bum pic