100 Things I Want To Teach My Daughter
#62 Bake Cupcakes..as often as you like~
Cupcakes can ultimately be the cure for anything. On crappy days, good days, sad days and quiet days I bake cupcakes.
Cupcakes can bring happiness to absolutely everyone in your life, I say bake them for family, friends and co-workers. If you find yourself having a hell'ish day, bake cupcakes.
They will always bring a smile to your face, and also to your loved ones faces.
Someday when you are grown, possibly a wife and mother you may find yourself baking cupcakes as well. Involve your children, make it a fun activity. And then you can enjoy the treat on a Sunday evening before back to school.
Or Fox, bake a batch of cupcakes on a Tuesday evening. Just for fun, before you and your family watch a fun Disney movie.
Take cupcakes to your friends, for no reason~
I have two homemade icing recipe's that I use for cupcakes. I will share them here with you. The first one Nana has always made, she learned from her mother.
I believe its called "Boiled Icing" its the kind of icing that I will need to show you how to make. Its a tricky one, very sensitive. One small mistake can ruin the whole batch.
You start with Brown sugar laid out on the bottom of a sauce pan, you drop some water into the brown sugar, just enough to wet the sugar.
On low/med heat slowly bring the sugar to a boil. DO NOT stir, only run a fork through the sugar to evenly dispense the heat.
While waiting for the sugar to boil, take 2 egg whites and using a hand mixer whip the egg whites until the egg whites are firm and stiff, forming peaks when fluffed. Add 1/2 teaspoon of Vanilla extract.
Once the sugar is boiled, and forming bubbles that pop, slowly poor the sugar mixture into the stiff egg whites while mixing with hand blender. Slowly poor the sugar, as the heat mixes with the eggs it will cook the whites. Keep mixing until the icing becomes thick.
I will show you this a few times, it took me awhile to learn how to properly make this icing. Once you mastered it, it will be a favorite amongst your family as well~
The second Icing recipe I got was from Jill, she was a nurse who worked with Braden but became a wonderful friend to the family.
It is a buttered based icing, and is your favorite. I LOVE it as well, I think the other recipe just reminds me of my childhood so I tend to favorite it more.
You will need:
1 cup of milk
4 TBSP of flour
1 cup of white sugar'
2 TSP of vanilla
Cook milk and flour slowly until thick, set aside to cool.
Heat butter with sugar, add vanilla
Add thickened milk, using a hand electric mixer on high until smooth.
This is one that I use all the time, and I love that it came from a dear friend.
Well Fox, that's about it. Keep these recipes and use when you need to share your love.

Oh Fox, you know how much I love my tea. You want to know a secret? Its the single most valuable staple in my day. It is what helps me start my day, it lifts my soul around 4pm and then it tucks me in a the end of the day. Brings me comfort when everything is unsettled.
It was my 4pm witching hour drink while you kids were little. You will learn that when you become a mother yourself. There's the one hour a day when you will wish you were anywhere else but getting dinner ready with a couple tired, miserable, hungry, snotty children screaming at your feet.
The witching hour is a real thing...just wait!
It was my drink of choice when you would nap and it was my "night time" drink when I would be up through the night with my babies.
Tea has become the one word question I get most texted by friends and your dad.
When I receive that text its a question that always brings a smile to my face.
Mostly because I know I get to see someone who I love.
When I was little my nana would make me tea, she would have it steeping all day on her stove. Why was it always better at my nana's? She drank it black, but she always had carnation milk and lots of sugar. It is my one true childhood comfort that made me feel loved, safe and comforted and of course I only had that at my nana's. My parents of course had tea at home, but I don't remember the carnation milk, I believe it is high in calories and my mom would have been cautions of that. Rightfully so.
I hope you know, when I become a grandmother I will continue on with that tradition. When you and Braden were little you both drank tea (so cute), and then Ethan came for sleepovers and he drank tea too. Always one of my favorite things to have together, especially on a cold day.
Find your fix Fox, tea was/is my comfort. Its my strength and its my wisdom. I have the best thoughts, feelings and lessons during a nice hot cup of tea. I have nursed babies, rocked children and snuggled sick babies while comforting myself with a nice cup of tea.
I have cried, laughed and cursed over a warm cup of tea. At the end of the day, tea is what settles my mind, body and soul.
Well my lovelies, I hope you have enjoyed this post as much as I loved writing it. Until next time, good night and god bless~